Monday, June 8, 2015

It all started with the Kardashians...

Its true. I had been thinking about starting a blog for awhile, but I wasn't really sure how to start, what I should write about, and most importantly, who would even want to read it! Then one day in my intro to oceanography class, my professor showed this image:

Needless to say, I was extremely bothered. Ocean acidification has been described as the number one threat to marine ecosystems by a number of scientists. And yet, the media has chosen to highlight other trivial stories. I'm not saying if you love the Kardashians you're a terrible person and don't care about the ocean. If you love celebrity gossip, by all means, read celebrity gossip! But I think it is completely necessary to put things like this into perspective. I really care about ocean acidification. I hope a lot of you reading already do too! But to elicit global change, some major societal shifts will have to be imposed. 

Through these informal blog posts, I hope to do a number of things:
  1. Educate you! Maybe you don't really understand ocean acidification or other threats to ocean environments, and that's okay! Perhaps you will learn a thing or two from me.
  2. Share relevant news stories pertaining to the ocean. Hopefully I can keep you updated on recent scientific findings, policies, etc.
  3. Inspire. Everyone comes from a different background and a different connection to the ocean. I hope that my own passions for protecting marine environments will shine through this blog. I don't want to focus on doom and gloom because that can get depressing. There are so many actions already being taken to ensure our oceans can thrive for generations to come, and I want you to know about them! Maybe you will even want to get involved!

It would mean a lot to me if you share this with friends, family, coworkers- anyone really! And thanks for taking the time to read this! 

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