Monday, July 13, 2015

Ocean Acidification Explained

I think terms like "climate change" or "ocean acidification" get thrown around a lot, but rarely are they explained. I have already used these terms in my blog, so I wanted to take a moment to describe these terms in more detail.

Climate change occurs due to the emission of greenhouse gases. Common greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide and methane. While these are found naturally in the atmosphere, their concentrations are increasing due the use of fossil fuels. While the overall trend is for the world to get warmer, the term climate change is also referring to extreme weather patterns and the few places that have the potential to get colder.

Ocean acidification is linked to climate change. The ocean acts as a sink for carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide reacts with water and carbonate to form carbonic acid, which readily dissociates into bicarbonate ions and protons, as depicted in the following image:

An increase in hydrogen ions decreases the pH of the ocean, meaning it is more acidic. So why is this a problem? One major issue is that this process uses carbonate ions that would usually be bound with calcium. This is how shell building organisms and coral build their shells or hard parts. Therefore a more acidic ocean is going to be a poor environment for the organisms that depend on their shells for survival.

Scientists predict the acidity of the ocean will increase into the future. What exactly this means for ocean ecosystems is not really known. We know the effects it has on shells, but what about other organisms? Only time will tell. The best way that you can prevent ocean acidification is by lowering your carbon footprint. Ride your bike to work or take public transportation when possible. Use energy efficient products. Try to eliminate unnecessary plastic from your life. But also educate others! As I wrote in my first blog post, ocean acidification is not covered by the media very often. Knowledge is power! Many people do not understand the importance of this topic simply because they have never had the opportunity to learn about it.

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